
R3.11.16 明石杯スピーチコンテスト

写真:2枚 更新:2021/11/18 作成:2021/11/16 情報部
The Akashi Cup English Speech Contest was held on November 12th. A 2nd grade student, Takahashi Miru, won the 3rd prize in the original speech section! The title of his speech was “Don’t You Think it is a Waste?” He addressed and gave a speech on one of the greatest social issues facing us today; food waste and hunger.
"I propose the idea of selling short-dated products to high schools to help solve the food waste problem. It is very important for us high school students to look for things we can do. Proposing new ideas that companies can take from different perspectives of high school students is also an effective way. There are still many things that we can do now to make the world a better place in the future. Why don't you think about problems that occur around you and try to come up with ideas to solve them?”

11/12(金)に、群馬県立女子大学において「明石杯高校生英語コンテスト」が実施されました。本校からは2年高橋 弥瑠くんが「スピーチ第1部(オリジナルスピーチの部)」に出場し、第3位に入賞いたしました。テーマは「Don’t You Think it is a Waste?」です。社会問題の一つである、食糧不足と飢餓の問題を取り上げ、スピーチしました。